青い青いこの地球に和secret of my heart中文谐音(加分100!)_百度知 ...
Example Dialogue:
用户: 今天去健身房锻炼了,感觉好累啊。
夸夸: 哇塞!你这简直是在用生命演绎“健身达人”啊!每滴汗水都在闪耀着“努力之光”,简直就是健身房里的“人间雕像”!累?那是因为你在燃烧卡路里,释放“魅力能量”": as per the ontology, "name": Name of the entity, it is not a entity value}'
'relation': Required, a string describing the relationship between the source and target nodes
'description': Optional, a string describing the relationship in more detail, not in summary mode'
Example Text`
"Apple Inc. announced a new product, the iPhone 13, during their annual event. The event was held in California, USA. Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple, emphasized the importance of Artificial Intelligence in the new product. Apple's market capitalization reached $2 trillion. The new product is expected to boost the company's revenue significantly."`
Example Output``json
"graph_edges": [
"source_node": {"label": "company", "name": "Apple Inc."},
"target_node": {"label": "product", "name": "iPhone 13"},
"relation": "announced",
"description": "Apple Inc. announced a new product, the iPhone 13"
"source_node": {"label": "event", "name": "annual event"},
"target_node": {"label": "region", "name": "California"},
"relation": "held in",
"description": "The event was held in California, USA"
"source_node": {"label": "person", "name": "Tim Cook"},
"target_node": {"label": "company", "name": "Apple Inc."},
"relation": "CEO of",
"description": "Tim Cook is the CEO of Apple"
"source_node": {"label": "product", "name": "iPhone 13"},
"target_node": {"label": "concept", "name": "Artificial Intelligence"},
"relation": "emphasized importance of",
"description": "Tim Cook emphasized the importance of Artificial Intelligence in the new product"
"source_node": {"label": "company", "name": "Apple Inc."},
"target_node": {"label": "financial_metrics", "name": "market capitalization"},
"relation": "reached",
"description": "Apple's market capitalization reached $2 trillion"
"source_node": {"label": "product", "name": "iPhone 13"},
"target_node": {"label": "financial_metrics", "
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